26 Mar Words of the year Audio and Activities
Words of the year
The English English Podcast Episode 7
catastrophic – adjective for a catastrophe – something terrible happening
fact-checking – finding out whether things are true
rebranding –to name something differently
brexit – The UK leaving the European Union
non-ironic – serious or normal usage of language
aware – to have knowledge of, or to be conscious of something
coziness – the noun for cozy – feeling of warmth and comfort.
lifestyle sections – the parts of a magazine or newspaper that talk about homes, food,
fashion etc.
Waynes World – A comedy film from the 1990s.
Listen and the words above to the sentences below:
It’s someone who’s in favour of …………..
It’s become very very popular in the British press in the ……………. of the british
They were using brexiteers in a …………….. , non-funny way.
If they were identified as having lied it would have been ……….. for their campaign.
It’s a …………… exercise for neo-Nazis
Some …………. websites put it at 75% of what he said was not true.
Be …………… that black people sometimes have it worse and white privilege does exist.
………………. is one part of hugge.
…………… party time, excellent!
Comprehension questions
Can you identify the meaning of these words from the lisening?
Conversation questions
Are there any words in your language that are new or fashionable at the moment?
What’s your favourite new word or new usage of a word?
Discover all the Words of the Year