26 Mar Running a business
Taylor’s Business English Podcast Episode 13
Running a Business – With Omar Hag-Omer Kerr
Role play
There are so many aspects to running your own business it’s impossible to choose just one for
the role-play but today we’re talking about what we need to discuss in the meeting the next day
with all the employees. Omar’s the owner of the company and I’m his PA – personal assistant.
Dave) You need to set the agenda for the general meeting tomorrow.
Omar) Is everyone coming? All 11 of us?
Dave) I think so. As far as I know.
Omar) Good. Obviously
the main problem we have at the moment is cash flow
. After the
investment in the 2nd shop
we haven’t got a very healthy bank balance
but I don’t think we
need to talk about that with everyone so let’s leave that off the agenda. Adam in accounts
knows all about it and
there’s no point worrying people for no reason
Dave) We do have to talk about ways to cut costs though.
We’ve sorted out the pricing
but I think it’s really time to look at places to save money.
Omar) True. Well
we’ve already renegotiated the cleaning contract
and the insurance but it
would be good to get some ideas from everyone. Let’s see what people come up with – they
probably know where we can save in their sectors better than us.
Dave) Right. Cost cutting.
Omar) We need to make sure everyone knows how the new computer system works. We can
deal with any questions about that as they come up.
Dave) OK. We haven’t had many decent candidates for the new technician job… maybe you
should ask everyone if they know anyone who might be interested.
Omar) Yes. Good idea.
How many applications have we had?
Dave) 4 , and none of them have actual practical experience.
Omar) Maybe we should offer more money for the post.
Dave) Weren’t we trying to cut costs.
Omar) True…
the main problem we have at the moment is cash flow
we haven’t got a very healthy bank balance
there’s no point worrying people for no reason
We’ve sorted out the pricing problems
we’ve already renegotiated the cleaning contract
How many applications have we had?
Also Starting a business