26 Mar Phone English 2
Taylor’s Business English Podcast
Episode 2 : Phone English Part 2
John is going to call a company called Kingston Engineering. I work in the shipping department. Shipping is basically moving things around. A ship is a big boat, but shipping can be by road or air and basically it’s like the post for things that are bigger than a letter. Anyway John has a problem. He’s ordered some parts Here we go:
A Hello Kingston Engineering
B Hello could I speak to the person in charge of shipping please.
A I’m sorry I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak a bit slower please? B Yes OK. I said I’d like to speak to the person in charge of shipping please. A Ah. Yes, that’s me. How can I help you?
B Hello are you Dave?
A I am.
B Hello I’m John Wyke from MMT Projects. I received some products for an engineering project here in Asturias in Spain and there are some pieces missing. We need all the items we ordered by next week.
A Could you give me the reference number for the order please? B Yes, the reference number is R5 TDBC34.
A Is that : R5 TTBCC4?
B No R5 T-D-B-C-3-4.
A I’ll read that back to you… R5 T-D-B-C-3-4. Is that right? B That’s it.
A OK. Let’s have a look. Ah yes. Here you are. I see. There will be two separate dates for shipping. We didn’t have 3 of the items in stock here so we sent you what we had… and the other items will be sent out when we have them. I’m sorry for the confusion.
B Oh that’s OK. It’s really important that they arrive by next Friday the 17th. Could you give me an idea of how long it will take for those 3 products to arrive?
A Hang on a moment. Yes. They will be here tomorrow and I’ve changed their status to urgent so you should have them by Tuesday 14th at the latest.
B OK. That’s great. Thanks a lot Dave.
A No problem. Is there nything else I can help you with?.
B No that’s all. Thanks again. A OK bye..
Useful Expressions
1. the person in charge of
2. Could you speak a bit slower please?
3. I’ll read that back to you
4. Could you give me an idea of how long it will take
5. Hang on a moment.
6. Is there anything else I can help you with?.
Say: ‘Could you repeat that please?’ Speak very slowly.
Call on a landline or use skype. Anticipate what people might say. Don’t pretend you understand.
Repeat what you think they mean.